Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Place and Memory Project

    Right away when I went on The Place and Memory website I went straight to stories about homes that have been lost because of progress.  I chose story called, My Childhood Home.  It is a small story about a beautiful house that the writer of the story loved and explained how there is even a pathway in the backyard that goes straight to his/her grandmother's house.  That house got knocked down to put up condominiums but the grandmother's house still stands so he/she can still have a piece of history.  

    This made me think about my old home.  I loved that yellow house and it hold so many memories that helped make me who I am today.  It was always full of laughter and love that anybody felt welcome and right at home.  My grandmother lived right down stairs so it's almost like a pathway to her house.  I always thought of my house as beautiful but the people that live in it now changed it completely.  It doesn't look the same at all, like the rest of my old hometown.

    This story relates to our class because it is a prime example of change and progress.  In this case progress didn't take over the whole neighborhood because the grandmother's house is still standing but in the book progress took over everything.  In class we do a lot of the activities/in class writings that have to do with a place that we love that has changed.  As soon as I read this story I thought about our class and how we make lists of things that are different about our hometown, progress.  To some they may be okay with progress but to others, like me, progress took away apart of them. 

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